Make a Difference!

Animal Cruelty - Animal Abuse
I have an assignment for you. It should be quite interesting. April is Animal Cruelty Prevention Month. What would it FEEL like to be treated with this intentional cruelty? Is there a such thing as unintentional cruelty? Animal abuse is just plain wrong!
Animal Hoarding - Animal Planet
Animal Planet is allegedly airing a new show "Confessions: Animal Hoarding." A post in the Exotic Pet forum and the subsequent comments that followed is the reason for today’s article. Please feel free to contribute your point of view and comments.
Aspen Skunk Rabies Research, Inc [offsite link]
Help with the campaign for government approval of a rabies vaccine for skunks and a recognized quarantine period for vaccinated skunks.
Brink of Extinction the Tiger
I hope the strategy reached at the Tiger Summit over the weekend is a success. The tiger will likely be extinct in 11 years. I have my doubts. Everything that is needed to make this effort work has a long history of underlying problems from humanities’ greediness to poverty.
Critter Camp [offsite link]
Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary and it is the only licensed, registered, non-profit sanctuary in the US. Again, exotic pets are not a whim and certainly not disposable pets.
Critter Camp - Unadoptable Exotic Pets
Discarded pets have a home where they are well cared for and loved. Maybe they no longer recognize the concept of love because of past abuse, neglect, and trauma. Who is the angel behind Critter Camp? Director Beth Randall, "They get to live the life they deserve; safe, happy, and loved."
Critter Camp Pepsi Refresh Everything
Just as human babies are abandoned and abused, pets and exotic pets sometimes meet the same fate. Critter Camp, Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary exists to give a home to these animals. Let’s help their very modest wish come true. Learn about Critter Camp and the Pepsi Refresh Everything contest.
Critter Camp Provides Sanctuary
Exotic Pets Top of the Web Award – Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary: A safe haven for the exotic pets left to starve, subjected to brutal abuse; a home for the innocents that have no concept of why they are in pain and suffering. Please consider pet adoption before purchasing.
Daryn Kagan [offsite link]
Daryn Kagan website will make your day. Inspirational stories about all kinds of animals. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with my Exotic Pets site however, if you think about it for a moment, it has everything to do with my Exotic Pets site.
I am socially unacceptable. It is because I am an exotic pet owner. I have a skunk, ferret, and a raccoon, sharing my home, as well as a wide variety of other exotic pets. I am responsible for these pets. Some people should never have pets, some people should never give birth to a child.
Dragoo Institute for the Betterment of Skunks [offsite link]
Dr. Jerry Dragoo probably the foremost wild skunk researcher provides basic biological information pertaining to wild skunks and discusses “problem animals.”
Exotic Pet Adoption
When we are lonely and blue there is pet for you that will always be true. Consider pet adoption. It doesn’t need to be a dog or cat there are many exotic pets that need a home. Consider exotic pet adoption and I will show you how to find adoptable exotic pets.
Exotic Pet Blunders
Perhaps some lessons can be painful, especially when it comes to making mistakes that causes an illness or even the death of an exotic pet. Exotic pets were a big part of my life when I was a young child. Some of these pets included a red eared slider turtle, an alligator, and a parakeet.
Exotic Pet Laws - Be Proactive!
Extinction does mean gone forever! Our ecosystem is unraveling where will it end? Exotic pet captive breeding programs may be the only answer to the extinction of many species of animals. We must also protect the extinction of all species of life. Only five percent of known plant species have bee
Exotic Pet Newsletter
Find out when new content is published at exotic pets BellaOnlline! Occasionally an exotic pet newsletter will go out informing you of a serious recall or disease outbreak. Your information is secure and confidential. I send one newsletter a week unless there is important breaking news.
Exotic Pets and Children
Exotic pets, for that matter any pet, I don’t care if it is a dog, cat, ferret, all pets, they should always be supervised especially when around children. If an exotic pet injures a child it is the caregivers fault. If a child injures a pet, again, it is the caregivers fault.
Exotic Pets and Wild Animals
For many years I worked with exotic pets and parrots. I love animals all animals. I made a decision to move across the US from California to Northern Minnesota because my children had learning disabilities. Learn the difference between wildlife and exotic pets. Wildlife is not an exotic pet.
Exotic Pets and Your Significant Other
Introducing a menagerie of exotic pets to a new significant other, in my case my new husband. This article is dedicated to the one I love my husband George Geiger. Pioneering new relationships can be interesting, and a learning experience, to say the least. Several funny animal pictures and videos.
Exotic Pets Found in Dumpsters Still in Cages
A hedgehog found in a dumpster; cage and all. A rabbit tied to a tree, the skin had grown over its collar. How many thousands of innocents must suffer? Animals left starving, no food, no water, stuck in their cages; abandoned when their people moved out. You talk the talk, will you walk the walk?
Exotic Pets Found in Dumpsters Still in Cages
A hedgehog found in a dumpster; cage and all. A rabbit tied to a tree, the skin had grown over its collar. How many thousands of innocents must suffer? Animals left starving, no food, no water, stuck in their cages; abandoned when their people moved out. Your talk the talk, will you walk the walk?
Exotic Pets – Be Realistic
Exotic pets have very different needs than normal common pets. There are a wide variety of different requirements among various species of exotic pets. Please go into pet ownership being realistic about these needs.
Exotic Pets – Be Realistic
Exotic pets have very different needs than normal common pets. There are a wide variety of different requirements among various species of exotic pets. Please go into pet ownership being realistic about these needs. Having a pet is a commitment that will last the pet’s lifetime.
Exotic Pets – Please Help Me - A Public Plea
I want to hear from you! Help me make a difference. This is a plea to all exotic pet professionals, caregivers, and owners. Are you with me on this project? I can’t do it on my own. I need you and your experiences! We can’t continue to sit on our duffs and complain. We need to act.
Exotic Pets – Please Help Me - A Public Plea
I want to hear from you! Help me make a difference. This is a plea to all exotic pet professionals, caregivers, and owners. Are you with me on this project? I can’t do it on my own. I need you and your experiences! We can’t continue to sit on our duffs and complain. We need to act.
Eyes of an Angel
I had put forth a question and perhaps got an answer I didn’t want to hear. Do we give up our exotic pets to eliminate the exotic pet trade? As I look at my pets and look into their eyes I know I can’t stop. They give me something I can’t get anywhere else.
Fatal Attraction - Rebuttal
The odds of death or serious injury by exotic pet are so minuscule, though this certainly is not how it is portrayed by the media and assuredly not Animal Planet and their new documentary Fatal Attraction. These are single, isolated incidents. How did I reach this conclusion; through data and fact.
Ferret Helps Disabled Man
Ferret is a Service Animal to a Man with Disability, and according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Bella, the ferret may well be a service animal. Just as monkeys help give independence and hope to those who had little hope before.
How do we Learn to Value Life
How do we learn morals, how do we learn to value life and to respect all life? Why do some children learn to value life and others don’t? A tribute all parents who set a moral standard.
How do we Learn to Value Life - Moral Example
How do we learn morals, how do we learn to value life and to respect all life? Why do some children learn to value life and others don’t? A tribute all parents who set a moral standard.
How Much Is That Doggie in the Window
Perhaps the doggie should stay in the window if you are buying this animal on impulse. Have you done your homework? How big is the animal going to get? Can you meet its social needs? Can you afford all the equipment, food, and medical care? Don't give exotic pet owners an undeserved bad name.
Interview with Jean Lengwin
Jean Lengwin is the author of a very special book which is a collection of short stories of how animals shaped her life.
Jane Bone - Tribute to a Skunk Lady
A tribute to Jane Bone Skunk Lady. Jane Bone and her years of experience with the domestic skunk brought a wealth of knowledge and awareness to the world. This article is archived under One Person Can Make a Difference for a very good reason.
Meeting Minnesota Animals
Though I lost my son in Minnesota experiencing this beautiful state through a child’s eyes; experiencing many of the state’s 10,000 animals up close and personal. My work with wildlife rehabilitation was fulfilling; though at times it can be tough on the heart strings.I also got to meet the ferret!
New Pets
Before picking out new pets read the article. Buy animals is a very important decision. There is a lot to consider before buying new animals. Each individual pet has their own needs.
PETA - Animal Rights
Pet owners that donate to PETA actually believe their money is going to saving pets while in fact it goes to killing pets. These documents clearly showed that PETA killed 90% of the dogs, cats, and other companion pets (exotic pets) during a five year period. What is animal rights?
PETA KILLS 95% of Adoptable Animals in 2011
Where did the money go? The money that people donated to PETA in good faith, HARD eared money. To euthanize 95% of Adoptable Animals during the year 2011(and many previous years). The majority of these animals were held less than 24 hours before being killed. These are facts people, read to believe!
PETA KILLS 95% of Adoptable Animals in 2011
Where did the money go? The money that people donated to PETA. in good faith, HARD eared money. To euthanize 95% of Adoptable Animals during the year 2011(and many previous years). The majority of these animals were held less than 24 hours before being killed. These are facts people, read to believe
Responsibility Exotic Pet Ownership
My priorities of what makes a responsible exotic pet owner have changed due to recent events. Think long and hard - what would be best for our exotic pets. Sometimes we must put our feelings aside. We can’t be selfish.
Send a Friend the Exotic Pets Newsletter
You can make a difference by subscribing to the Exotic Pets Newsletter. You can benefit your friends and their pets by forwarding the Exotic Pets Newsletter. So that they can subscribe too! The subscribe button is at the bottom of every single article.
SkunkHaven [offsite link]
There is another someone finally willing to take the time to research and to move forward in skunk health care.
SkunkHaven You've got to see it to believe it!
Congratulations to Deborah Cipriani of Skunk Haven this month’s
winner of the BellaOnline Site of the Month Award! I have awarded
this just three times in a couple years meaning this site and the
incredible content is truly amazing.
Tigers - Extinction
I hope the strategy reached at the Tiger Summit over the weekend is a success. The tiger will likely be extinct in 11 years. I have my doubts. Everything that is needed to make this effort work has a long history of underlying problems from humanities’ greediness to poverty.
Tribute to My Son
This is a story I wrote shortly after my fifteen-year old son has passed away. He had disabilities and I hope this story can help others like him. At least show the miracles of unconditional love. It is the anniversary of his death and this is something I needed to do. Off subject warning :)
TV Networks and Exotics - A New Problem?
Over the last several years, many nature and animal oriented TV networks have turned to far more sensational programming to attract audiences. How and why has this become a problem for the exotics community? Are Animal Television Networks Tumbling into the Toilet?
Understanding Animals
The many shades of gray will eternally be my rainbow. Animal, swine all offensive derogatory terms; perception is a funny thing. Perhaps we need to understand animals better to understand our pets or other people's pets. Or, perhaps why some people have exotic pets.
You are Utterly Alone - Animal Cruelty
April is Animal Cruelty Prevention Month
Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with is not responsible for the material found there.
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