DV Facts

4 Common Myths about Domestic Violence
In this article, we will look at four common myths about Domestic Violence, both about the abuser and his/her victim. These are ones I hear all the time.
4 More Common Myths about Domestic Violence
This is a continuation from last weeks discussion about myths of domestic violence
Battered Women Syndrome
Battered Women Syndrome (or BWS) was first presented in the 1970's as a way to justify when a woman killed her husband because he abused her in some way.
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California Protecting DV Victims from Eviction
Could you imagine finally getting your abuser out of your home then within days getting an eviction notice that you have to vacate your home within 30 days or shorter?
Co-parenting with an Abuser
After leaving your abuser especially when you involve the court system, you unfortunately may find yourself forced into a co-parenting situation with your abuser
Creating a Long Term Plan
“Why does she/he stay if they are being abused?” Is a question often asked by frustrated loved ones when someone is being abused. But I think the most frustrating is “Why does she/he GO BACK?” I was asked that very question when I left my abuser and took him back twice! So why do we go back?
Domestic Violence Awareness Month to Change
Currently Domestic Violence Awareness Month is during the month of October. Also in October we have Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There is a campaign going on right now to have the month changed to May.
Domestic Violence During the Holiday Season
During November and December, stress runs high in most families. Finances are stretched to buy gifts or to travel to see family members. Seeing those family members we don’t quite get along with or not being able to see relatives and friends can add even more stress to a relationship.
Domestic Violence in the Workplace
When a victim is being abused at home, their career can be affected in many ways. It is so very important for employers to recognize the problems that can spill over into the workplace.
Domestic Violence is a Pre-Existing Condition
If you experience domestic violence and go to the hospital or tell your doctor about the abuse in 1 of 9 states, you could have a label of pre existing condition and hurt your chances of future insurance coverage from vendors.
Elder Abuse – Causes and Prevention
What could cause someone to hurt a senior citizen? What are some ways to prevent it and report cases?
Elder Abuse – Signs and Symptoms
This article talks about what to look for you if suspect an elderly person you know or help care for is being abused.
Facts on Domestic Violence in America [offsite link]
Domestic Violence is a Serious, Widespread Social Problem in America: THE FACTS!
Facts on Firearms and Domestic Violence [offsite link]
The Violence Policy Center (VPC) is at the forefront of those working to stem the tide of firearms violence engulfing our nation. The VPC is a national 501(c)(3) educational organization working to move beyond the popular but narrow perception of firearms violence as solely a crime issue to place it in its proper perspective: a widespread public health problem of which crime is merely the most recognized aspect.
How can you tell if you are being abused?
If you think you are being abused, considering your answers to the following questions....
Intimate Partner Violence Statistics
Statistics gathered from the Centers for Disease Control appear in this article as well as consequences seen from IPV.
Lawyers and Domestic Violence Cases
I am often asked if someone getting out of a domestic violence relationship will need a lawyer for whatever reason. This is a very valid and important question when you finally get away from your abuser.
Life After Abuse
When you finally get away from your abuser, what will life be like? Maybe you were abused for years and can’t remember what it was like to NOT be abused! Recovery and healing after the relationship is over can be as scary as the relationship was.
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October marks the month of National Domestic Violence Awareness.
National Domestic Violence Statistics
Statistics provided by the Family Violence Prevention Fund. These statistics are mindblowing and sad.
North Carolina Release Statistics
North Carolina has never publically released domestic violence statistics. On March 26, 2209, the attorney general made them public. The numbers released are staggering.
President Obama Appoints Domestic Violence Advisor
Vice President Joe Biden announced June 26th that there would be an advisor to the President in the White House on Domestic Violence issues.
President Proclaims National Domestic Violence Awareness Month [offsite link]
Protecting Yourself After Abuse
When you finally get away from your abuser, it is possible to keep him/her from finding you or ruining your credit.
Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse is a small part of the abuse that is happening in the home.
Stalking – The Effect on the Victim
How is stalking related to domestic violence? What are some of the things that victims of stalkers go through during the ordeal? This article looks at these questions and more.
Staying in Your Home
Many articles when talking about domestic violence, talk about the victim and children leaving the home. But what if you, like I did, have your abuser removed from your home.
The Super Bowl and Domestic Violence
Are there more reports of domestic violence during Super Bowl season? Do men really get that angry and violent during a sporting event that would cause them to cause harm to their wife/girlfriends and their children?
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