Computer-Related Pain & Injuries

10 Steps for Avoiding Repetitive Strain Pain
In November 2007 the National Athletic Trainers’ Association published “10 Steps to Combat Low Back Pain. By slightly modifying these steps, computer and desk workers can avoid the stresses that put them at risk for repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel and tendinitis.
Avoiding Radial Tunnel Syndrome on the Computer
If you are experiencing an aching or burning sensation in the forearm or over the wrist while typing or using the mouse, you may have symptoms of Radial Tunnel Syndrome (RTS). Like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, RTS can impact your ability to compute comfortably. Read on for helpful suggestions.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
What exactly is carpal tunnel syndrome? This article goes back to the basics and describes anatomy, cause of injury, occupational risk factors, ergonomic prevention tips.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Guidelines
On October 27, 2008, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) released guidelines for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Carpal Tunnel, Wrist Braces & Typing
A wrist brace should not be used continuously. While helpful for controlling pain from carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist braces worn all the time can cause weakness and will lead to more problems and injury. Here are some suggestions for the proper fitting and use of a wrist brace.
Computer Use & Pain Syndromes
Working on the computer can make you susceptible to developing a repetitive strain disorder. Headaches, eye-strain, pain in the shoulders, neck, back, and arms are common. This summary of articles in the Repetitive Strain Injury series looks at why this happens and gives tips on pain prevention.
Computer-Related Injuries & Pain
Awkward positioning, repetitive movements, and forceful movements are all factors that contribute to repetitive strain disorders. Check out the following articles for common injuries that can occur from poor posture and ineffective work practices while working on the computer
Computers and Ergonomics
Ever wonder how injuries can happen from using a computer? This article reviews a few of the basic risk factors and presents a method for minimizing them.
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome - Carpal Tunnel´s Counterpart
Lurking in the shadow of carpal tunnel´s fame is its counterpart, cubital tunnel syndrome. Cubital tunnel is the second most commonly occurring nerve compression of the upper extremity. There are simple modifications that can help relieve the symptoms of this frequently repetitive strain injury.
DeQuervain's - Repetitive Strain Thumb Pain
Mouse use, keyboard activity, use of PDAs and cell-phone texting can all be causes of thumb pain. Here is a description of DeQuervain´´s Tenosynovitis and suggestions for preventing this common cause of thumb pain.
DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis-Thumb and Wrist Pain
DeQuervain's Syndrome is a painful and limiting condition of the thumb tendons - and it can make you feel helpless. Almost everything we do except walk uses our thumbs, from buttoning a shirt to riding a bike, to opening a door.
Ergonomics – And It Hurts .. Here….Because?
The location of where you are experiencing pain while working on a computer can often give clues as to what needs to be adjusted during an ergonomic intervention. Here is a quick guide of worksite and work-method recommendations that may help when you are feeling pain in a specific area.
Pain-Free Mousing
Causes of and tips for avoiding repetitive strain mousing pain.
Preventing Computer-Related Elbow Pain & Strain
The risk of elbow pain caused by stressful, forceful or repetitive activities can be controlled. offers nine tips to reduce the risk of elbow injuries related to sports. This article modifies these tips and applies them to the computer athlete or the desk jockey.
Rounded Shoulders and Forward Head Posture
Many of us working on computers are developing poor posture habits. We round our shoulders forward and crane our head forward. Improving posture is not only necessary, but important for the safe and proper functioning of the body. Here are some tips on how to avoid posture-related pain.
Tennis Elbow- Mouse Use can cause Elbow Pain
Commonly called tennis or golfer's elbow, epicondylitis is pain at either side of the elbow where the finger and wrist muscles originate at the bony bumps of the humerus. Read this article for tips on how to prevent this common injury.
The Elbow & Repetitive Strain Injuries
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) from computer use or desk work can cause headaches, eyestrain, and pain through the neck, shoulders, arms and back. "The Elbow" is part of a series that takes a closer look at the mechanism of injury & specific injury prevention techniques for particular pain areas.
The Fingers & Repetitive Strain Injuries
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) from computer use or desk work can cause headaches, eyestrain, & pain through the neck, shoulders, arms and back. "The Fingers" is part of a series that takes a closer look at the mechanism of injury & specific injury prevention techniques for particular pain areas.
The Rotator Cuff - How to Avoid Shoulder Pain
A description of the rotator cuff, its importance in providing for a strong and pain-free shoulder, and how to avoid shoulder pain.
The Shoulder & Repetitive Strain Injuries
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) from computer or desk work can cause headaches, eyestrain, and pain through the neck, shoulders, arms and back. �The Shoulder� is part of a series taking a closer look at the mechanism of injury and specific injury prevention techniques for particular pain area
The Wrist & Repetitive Strain Injuries
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) from computer use or desk work can cause headaches, eyestrain, and pain through the neck, shoulders, arms and back. "The Wrist" is part of a series that takes a closer look at the mechanism of injury & specific injury prevention techniques for particular pain areas.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in Computer Users
Symptoms of thoracic outlet can mimic other syndromes such as carpal tunnel syndrome or cubital tunnel syndrome. Although a common cause is whiplash, poor posture on the computer is also a cause of symptoms.
Posture correction can be the key to easing or preventing symptoms of thoracic outlet.
Trigger Finger - Repetitive Strain Finger Pain
Mouse and keyboard use can cause finger pain. One common cause of finger pain is called trigger finger. Trigger finger is a swelling of tendons that bend the fingers causing snapping and pain in the fingers. Here are some tips on how to avoid this common finger repetitive strain injury.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
What exactly is carpal tunnel syndrome? The definition, description, and symptoms are outlined in this article.
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