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2012 - Free Mused Literary Review Ebooks

The BellaOnline Mused Literary Review offers poetry, short stories, artwork, non-fiction works, plays, and interviews each quarter. The magazine is offered in ebook format for free! This gorgeous, formatted PDF is a delightful way to enjoy each season of the year. Mused is published on each solstice and equinox.

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Winter Solstice 2012 - Volume 6, Issue 4

At exactly 6:14am on Friday, December 21st, 2012, we had both the Winter Solstice, which happens every year, and the Mayan End of the World, which happens less frequently. Of course, the world continued turning as usual, and mankind had the same joy and discord, serenity and stress, love and jealousy that it always seems to have. These milestones serve as reminders to us that nature cycles within its patterns and that we strive to learn and grow with each new dawn.

A sunset in Boston glows in tangerine and gold. A lost love echoes with poignancy after twelve long years. A frozen lake and frosted trees captivate us. A trekker struggles to the top of Kilimanjaro and soaks in the beauty. An auction bidder struggles to rein in her compulsions.

There are robin chicks crying for their mother, a wife crying for help, an elderly woman remembering the ravages of World War II. A car dissolves into the wilderness of weeds, and a moon rises high over Zion.

Welcome to winter, and breathe in the blessing that comes with every new morn.

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Autumn Equinox 2012 - Volume 6, Issue 3

The Autumn Equinox is the fulfilment of our dreams, the achievement of our goals, and the enjoyment of the fruits of our labors. Farmer's markets are overflowing with succulent vegetables. Sunsets become even more spectacular. Tangerine butterflies and golden leaves soothe our soul.

Poetry celebrates this arrival of delight. We savor the beauty of painted skin, peer through the subtle wrapping of fog, and watch the shadows of ourselves walk before us.

Non-fiction soaks us into the world of a teenage girl's crush on her teacher. We hear about a new addition to a family which brings joy and delight.

Fiction draws us along on twists and turns. A couple loses themselves in projects when life becomes too painful to face. A widow begins to take a fresh look at the world.

Bethany Hamilton is a beacon of bright, unadulterated joy for living. After a shark attack left her without her left arm, she could have retreated from the world. Instead she leapt back on her surfboard, took on every new challenge, and became an inspiration to us all. Her message to us - "I would encourage you to just LOVE LIFE!"

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Summer Solstice 2012 - Volume 6, Issue 2

The Summer Solstice is the exact point in each year when sun is at its very highest point in the sky. This is a pinpoint moment in time, an amazing astronomical event. Intriguingly, it can happen at all periods of day or night because of our imperfect calendar. Some years the summer solstice is at 11:28am GMT - nearly noon. In other years, like in 2012, it can be at 23:09pm GMT - nearly midnight. Sometimes it's on the 20th, and sometimes it's on the 21st. That is the wonder of this universe we live in. We force artificial calendar systems on a beautifully natural cycle, and sometimes they misalign.

It can be wonderful to release the shackles of our man-made constructs, if only for a little while, and breathe in the natural cycles of the world around us. Absorb the delicate beauty of the pink petals of a camelia. Bask in the golden glow of sun streaming through clouds. Be drawn by the warm invitation of an open pair of pasture gates, leading beneath the gentle arch of a tree. Sometimes nature wows us with a "super moon" reflecting over an ocean. Sometimes it is the delicate tracery on the tiniest of insects which reminds us that beauty comes in all sizes.

Poetry paints images richer than life. Sifting dirt through fingers helps ease the clutter of the mind. A solitary cyprus is lashed with sand and salt. Golden aster stretch along a bank drifting with mockingbird song.

Non-fiction reminds us of the power of nature. A family struggles against the raging Texas fires of 2011. But in some cases society can be even more harsh. A girl growing up in India is treated as a commodity, to be traded off at auction to the best husband available. A woman in her sixties feels as if women in her age group are not allowed to dance.

Fiction encourages us to treasure every moment. A brother and sister take in the final words of their beloved mother. An elderly woman looks back on her life with both appreciation and regret.

Our feated artist, Karen Noles, brings to life gorgeous images of Native Americans and the natural world they adore. With it, she strives towards "elevating the human spirit. There are so many ways to accomplish this. Everyone has their own unique gift." Soak in our latest Summer Solstice issue of Mused, and then seek to nurture your own gifts. We all have something to share, and a unique message to bring to our world.

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Spring Equinox 2012 - Volume 6, Issue 1

Spring opens our minds to the promise of a fresh beginning. A mossy path lures us into a quiet forest. The mists of sunrise shroud a serene landscape. A jeweled wasp reminds us that beauty comes in all sizes and shapes.

Poetry brings out the beauty in a fog-shrouded bay; it encourages us to breathe in deeply from the lilac dawn. It reminds us to drink in the glory of a lone wisteria making its home by a busy highway.

Fiction draws us to treasure each day and appreciate what we have. A poor coal miner's wife struggles to make do with the few coins she has. A caring manager shows how much people can help each other in times of trouble.

Non-Fiction brings us into the complex world our fellow artists share. A woman strives for natural childbirth despite her fears. A daughter regains treasures from a war-torn past. A breast cancer survivor shows us the power of inner strength.

Come share in the amazing stories and creations our artists have shared. Give thanks that our community is composed of such stunning talents, opening their hearts and minds with us to celebrate this new spring together.

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  A R C H I V E  

2017 Mused Literary Review Issues
2016 Mused Literary Review Issues
2015 Mused Literary Review Issues
2014 Mused Literary Review Issues
2013 Mused Literary Review Issues
2012 Mused Literary Review Issues
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